2021-06-09 SAMOA

Marist Brothers Primary School students ‘Learning to Read by Reading’

Thirty-two students of Marist Brothers Primary School in Samoa were presented with ‘Gold’ Reading Awards on 21 May. The Gold award represents the completion of the First Level of the ‘Learning to Read by Reading’ program comprises of thirty one Scholastic readings.

The students were taught through instructional strategies of how to read, correctly pronounce and understand meanings of the three thousand and twenty six word count and three hundred and six new words in the readings. The goal of achieving the ‘Gold’ reading award is the attainment of ‘comprehension’ skills whereby students are equipped with skills of how to summarize, finding the main idea, following the chronological order of the story, how to infer and predict which enhance and increase their comprehending skills.

The parents have expressed their heartfelt gratitude because Marist Brothers Primary School has given their children a ‘second chance’ and a ‘head start’ in their education journey.

In fact, this is the third Gold Award presentation since the ‘Learning to Read by Reading’ was introduced in 2019 as a key component of the Literacy program. The Literacy program was initiated in 2018 by Brother Siaosi, the principal, who’s ‘Vision’ states:

“Every student of Marist Brothers Primary School should be able to ‘read’ and ‘comprehend’

What is read”.


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