Marist Community of Dame-Marie
From 11 to 15 September, the teachers of the school of Notre Dame de Fatima followed a training course in pedagogy. At the end of the course, they expressed their satisfaction for this good sharing of work experiences as Marist educators.
Thank you from the teachers of Fatima
To say thanks, is a gesture of love and great generosity. It is in this perspective that we present our gratitude to those in charge of the Marist sector of Haiti and in particular to the Marist community of Dame-Marie who thought of organising a week of pedagogical animation for the teachers of the national congregationist school Notre Dame de Fatima. This initiative is part of the programme for providing good work in the classroom for the academic year 2012-2013. This formation course brings us not only new knowledge but also practical resources which will make our task easier.
We also want to thank from our hearts Brother Manuel Franco Jáuregui for his support in teaching materials which he has gifted to the school. How much we would like to meet him in person before the end of the current year, for greater familiarity.
For this great psychopedagogic support, once more a great « THANK YOU. ». We hope that this development does not stop there so that our school becomes the best in the region and that the flame is rekindled.