2014-07-22 BRAZIL

Marist Connection

From 30/06 to 03/07, we gathered at Itapejara del Oeste, with 21 youth of 2nd and 3rd year secondary to accompany adolescents and young men showing an interest in knowing about the brother’s  vocation, consecrated life and the Marist Institute. It involved helping them in their undertaking of vocational discernment and identifying the criteria and priorities for their options… since they came from various milieux – Cascavel, Dourados, Ponta Grossa, São Paulo et Itapejara d’Oeste – the meeting was very animated and striking in many ways : formation, interests, participation, solidarity activities, orientation and discernment on the project and choice of vocation. There were also moments of sharing, spirituality, leisure and making friends.

The participants took note, in their souvenir books, of significant moments experienced during the meetings, as well as the stages of their personal history. During the meeting, they worked on three specific themes : Mary, Jesus and the Church. The reflection on Mary gave them the opportunity to visit women, mothers and spouses, who work and take care of their children, women who struggle, like Mary and the strong women of the Bible. The theme « Jesus » appealed to images of Christ which we have constructed or which have been imposed on us. The youth compared the   diversity of faces of Jesus presented to us. For the Church, it became evident that it is a community of faith, of family and sharing with others : it is where we share our gifts and find a modern face which the Church urgently needs : « New wine in new skins ».

Under the co-ordination of Br Alvanei, the meeting profited from the collaboration of the Brothers of Teles, Vanderlei Khun, Vicicius, Márcio, Hugo, Daniel Edicarlos Ronivom, Leandro, Daniele Carvalho, Márcio Caetano and volunteers of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family of  Itapejara d’Oeste.

TAKE NOTE ! THE NEXT MARIST CONNECTION : from 23 to 27 July in Chapecó, for the youth of 2nd and 3rd secondary of the  regions of Chapecó, Joaçaba, Ribeirão Preto, Pouso Rodondo and Fazenda Rio Grande. It will count on the participation of Brothers Alvenei, Vanderlei Khun, Wilson, Sadi, Tercílio, Leandro, Otálivio and the novices. There will also be some  collaborators from the PVF Units. The animation and co-ordination of the meeting will be the  responsibility of Br Leandro. Contact : #seirmaomarista.

The young men who take part in these meetings and knock at the door of our communities are   « GRACE of GOD and CARE of MARY » for our religious family.


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