Marist District of Asia
The Marists in VN are 4 local brothers, 7 foreigner brothers and 3 local lay Marist. There are 3 communities: Two in the South and one in the North.
One community in the South is a formation house. Five brothers are working in Vocation Ministry, “Come and See” program, Candidacy program and Aspirancy program. At the moment we have a good number of young men discerning their vocation.
The other community in the South is developing a project that assists the returnees’ people who come back to VN after some years in Cambodia. They have no houses, no papers and no money. They live around a lake in poor conditions and the children cannot go to the regular school. In this project work 3 brothers and some volunteers who are trying to help these families, particularly the children with informal education. However, we are still in the beginning of this project, facing some challenges to fully implement it.
The community in the North works as FMSI VN. There are 3 brothers and some volunteers, teaching English, assisting English teachers in the surrounding schools, teaching the blind, teaching music, and assisting some poor families. Local and foreigner volunteers who join to the program, some of them stay with the Marist Community.
At this moment the community is exploring the possibility to open a similar project in a new province, North VN. It is an invitation from the local authorities.
We are happy with the work of our Good Mother in VN, it is Her work! With patience and hope we move on overcoming everyday challenges. The expectation is to have every year more local brothers in VN and in other countries in the Marist District of Asia. Soon we will have our first final professed VN brothers.