2020-10-19 BRAZIL

Marist Educator Award 2020 values innovation in Marist education and projects

The Marist Educator Award 2020 promoted by the provinces of Brasil Centro-Norte and Brasil Centro-Sul announced, on 2 October, the winners of the seven categories of this event. In total, there were 134 registered projects, with videos that had 271,336 views on Facebook,28,346 likes, and received comments and were shared.

The second edition of the Prize aimed to highlight the educational practices developed by teachers in infant and secondary education, which include the use of digital information and communication technologies in the teaching and learning processes. These practices should contribute to transforming the school into an innovative, creative and collaborative environment, as well as being in line with the Curricular Aspects of Marist Brazil.

In a context of social distance caused by the pandemic, educators had to reinvent their pedagogical practices to guarantee the right to education of children, adolescents and young people assisted by the Marists.

The Marist winners of Brasil Centro-Norte and Brasil Centro-Sul will share the projects live on 21, 22 and 23 October.

Winners of the prize for Innovative Teachers:

1. Bruna Felix (Colégio Marista Nossa Senhora de Nazaré (PA) – Educação InfantilProject: Recriarte – a la arte sob um olhar infantil)

2.Thiago Rodrigues (Colégio Marista Nossa Senhora de Nazaré (PA) – Ensino Fundamental Anos IniciaisProject: Podcast Pode falar)

3. Karla Lidiane Costa (Colégio Marista São Luís (PE) – Ensino Fundamental Anos FinaisProject: Click da quarentena)

4.Larissa Santiago (Colégio Marista São José – Tijuca (RJ) – Ensino MédioProject: Democracia racial: realidade ou utopia?)

5.Isaac Costa (Colégio Marista de Natal (RN) – Esporte, arte e culturaProject: Living the new)

6.Tulani Freitas (Colégio Marista São José – Tijuca (RJ) – Internacionalização Projeto: My Day) ) and Irmão Leonardo Stoch (Colégio Marista de Natal – Pastoral Project: Challenge Marista +90).


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