Econome General

Br. Jorge Gaio, Econome General
Br. Gregorio Linacero, Assistant Econome General

Brother Econome General is in charge of the finances of the GA.  He is helped by an Assistant and by several consultative meetings which he calls and over which he presides to study certain points in more detail.

The Econome General

His multiple duties are, for the most part, specified in Chapter 10 of our Constitutions and Statutes on the administration of goods, as well as in Statute 137.10.

  • The General Council calls upon the Econome General when it deals with economic matters.
  • The Econome General is in charge of the placements and investments of the GA.
  • He draws up and presents the GA’s annual financial report to the General Council.
  • He draws up and presents the GA’s annual budget to the General Council after discussions with each of the GA’s services in order to know their needs.
  • He asks the Provinces for their annual economic report and presents these to the General Council.
  • He sees to it, with the Brother Administrator, that the personnel employed by the GA receive a salary commensurate with the laws of the country and determined with respect for justice.
  • He works in close collaboration with the Assistant Econome General, whom he informs as well as possible of the overall aspects of his mission in order to set up a real co-responsibility.
  • He gathers and manages the assets approved by the General Chapter or the General Council.
  •  With the Assistant Econome he facilitates financial transactions so that the GA can receive the finances it needs from the Provinces.

The Assistant to the Econome General

The Assistant to the Econome General shares closely the concerns of the Econome General and assists him in most of his responsibilities.

His more particular mission covers the following tasks:

  • He keeps the accounts of the GA, including all the Units, centres, and communities which compose it (Manziana, El Escorial…).
  • He watches over the accounts of the portfolio investments of the GA.
  • He sees to it that the communities and services dependent on the GA do not lack the money they need.

2.3.3. The International Council for Economic Affairs

This Council is defined in Statute 160.4. It generally has one annual meeting and its mission is as follows:

  • It brings to the Econome General a broader vision of the economic and financial aspect of the Institute.
  • It helps the Econome General apply the financial orientations or recommendations of the last General Chapter.
  • It advises the Econome General on investment matters.
  • It submits comments or recommendations to the Econome General on the budget for the coming year in relation to the last financial Report.

The Finance Committee

This Committee, presented in Statute 160.5, is composed of the Econome General who is the President, the Assistant General Econome, the person responsible for FMSI, two General Councillors, and the Administrator of the General House.

This Committee is charged with studying all questions given to the General Council that deal with economic matters The Secretary General receives the requests coming from the Provinces.  He sees to it that the dossier is complete and then transmits it to the Econome General who convenes the Committee.  The latter studies the matters presented, draws up a summary, and offers advice which will then help the General Council make a decision on the matters submitted to it.