Marist Foundation for International Solidarity (FMSI)

The Marist Foundation for International Solidarity (FMSI) was created by the Marist Institute to promote and protect the rights of children. FMSI carries on its mission through activities of advocacy, lobbyingand with solidarity projects in the countries in which Marists are present.

FMSI was constituted in 2007 in Italy as a non-profit organization with social purpose (ONLUS), today ‘Third Sector Entity’ (ETS). It has had the special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations since 2011.

FMSI is member of: Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance (BICE), Centre Catholique International de Genève  (CCIG), Child Rights ConnectMovimiento Mundial por la Infancia de Latinoamérica y El CaribeFOCSIV  (Federazione degli Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario), Observatorio Niñez y Adolescencia (ONA), Santiago de Chile.