XVIII Chapter – 1985, Roma
09/1985 – 132 Brothers participants
Actas: Español
This Chapter began with a well-defined task. In common with all Chapters, it elected the General Government and examined the state of the Institute. In addition it was to carry out a final study of our Constitutions, for the purpose of submitting them to the Holy See for approbation. The Statutes, incorporated into the text of the Constitutions, became the equivalent of the former Directory.At the conclusion of the Chapter, a list of priorities was drawn up involving the following points:* Emphasize the recruiting of vocations and the restructuring of our apostolic priorities vis-à-vis the decreasing numbers and the aging of our Brothers.* Strengthen our formation programs; publish a Formation Guide and put its contents into practice.* Build on the dynamic spirit generated by the document Justice and Peace.* Further develop apostolic spirituality as a means for giving greater cohesion to our lives. * Revitalize our identity.* Promote inculturation.* Transmit the Constitutions to the whole Institute, without delay.For the very first time, the General Conference of Provincials was held away from Rome. It took place in Veranopolis, Brazil, coinciding with the Centenary of the arrival of the Brothers in Latin America. For three weeks, this Assembly broke new ground.
Br. Charles Howard had invited 6 young Brothers to participate in the proceedings, and they in turn provided a sensitivity and vision all their own.As time for the following Chapter drew near, Br. Charles Howard and his Council offered a report on the state of the Institute, in which they suggested some lines of action with a view to the future:* Develop our attitudes toward discernment and its practice, personally and in community.* Develop our ties in Solidarity, both within and outside of the Institute.* Promote a greater openness with the laity, in our mission with them and for them.