Marist International Mission Assembly
The Philippine Sector created a Committee composed of lay Marist Mission Partners, headed by Br. Willy Lubrico, for the consultation of MIMA statement. The Committee of five visited four Marist schools to facilitate the reflection process on the topic. Teachers, administrators, non teaching staff , CMMF and students were give opportunity to participate.
After the reflection, the Committee members sat down to summarize the thoughts and made into a statement than can be read here:
We, the Marist Family of the Philippine Sector, in unity with the pilgrimage of the entire Marist Family in the world toward the Second Marist International Mission Assembly on September 17 to 27, 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya, reaffirm our identity and mission as Marists – Brothers, Religious Partners, and Lay – journeying together as we share the evangelizing mission of the Church in the way of Mary and as inspired by St. Marcellin.
In our reflections, we acknowledge that we humbly translate our Marist Spirituality through living in simplicity, radiating the spirit of family life and co-responsibility, and being present with each other in our work, advocacies on social and moral issues, institutional gatherings, formation activities, and prayer and liturgical celebrations. These experiences promote a constant revitalization of relationships and strengthen personal and professional communion that brings about mutual enrichment among brothers and lay mission partners.
As we grow together in our faith journey, we acknowledge to further deepen our vocation as Marists – Religious and Lay- in responding to the call to Mission. With vitality of our Marist Charism, we commit to:
Continuously reflect the responsiveness of our mission to the least privileged children/ youth of today;
Intensify the catechism program in basic ecclesial communities and public schools;
Strengthen the outreach programs for the poor, deprived and marginalized communities;
Strengthen the Youth Ministry by conducting programs and activities that promote the integral development of the young;
Deepen our Marist life by setting up structures that animate our personal and community life according to the values of the Kingdom.
Discerning on the values that our Lord, Jesus Christ, calls us to live out today, we hope and pray that may the Holy Spirit guide us always as we “widen the tent” in our journey to the “new land” with audacity in “MAKING JESUS KNOWN AND LOVED.”