2021-01-19 GENERAL HOUSE

Marist International Mission Commission: Create, accompany, strengthen, interconnect

The Marist International Mission Commission (MIMC) is meeting virtually this week, from the 18th to the 22nd January, to address five key themes for the Marist mission: Leadership; Networks and Networking; New mission frontiers, new margins; Education and Schools; Sustainability of Marist’s ministries.

Brother Luis Carlos GutiĂ©rrez, Vicar General of the Institute, who, together with other Brothers of the General Administration, is closely following the work of this commission, underlined that ” The end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 continue to show us the importance of considering the major challenges facing our planet as prophets and servants”. In inviting the participants to this week of meetings, he mentioned his wish that “the Spirit will grant us the gifts of discernment and courage we need to be beacons of hope, communion, and solidarity during 2021”.

The meeting is an opportunity to present a photograph of the current situation of the mission in the Institute, where the members will present an executive report on the regions, networks and secretariats of the General Administration; it will highlight the achievements of 2020 and indicate the objectives and initiatives planned for this new year.

Earlier, at the December meeting, the Commission undertook to reflect on the centrality of the Marist mission in today’s world, and approved a message written by Brother Ben Consigli on behalf of all members, entitled “The Pandemic and our Marist Mission”. Other messages will be published soon.

The members of the MIMC are: Benjamin Consigli, Kenneth McDonald, Angel Diego Garcia Otaola, Francis Lukong, Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal, José Libardo Garzón Duque, Gregorio Linacero, Okolo Mark Omede, Valdícer Fachi, Alberto G. Aparicio, Francis Jumbe, Frank Malloy, Rodrigo Espinosa, Manuír Mentges, Christophe Schietse, Chano Guzmån, María Bobillo, María del Socorro Álvarez, Farancis Rahmat and Kevin Wanden.


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