2014-09-05 GENERAL HOUSE

Marist International Solidarity Foundation

FMSI, together with the Global Movement for Children of Latin America and the Caribbean (MMI-LAC), has signed an appeal for the protection of unaccompanied immigrant children and adolescents.

The Global Movement for Children of Latin America and the Caribbean (MMI-LAC) is a strategic alliance of the principal organizations and networks of the region working for the promotion, protection and defence of the rights of children and adolescents. It is made up of: the Christian Youth Association (ACJ/YMCA), Aldeas Infantiles SOS Internacional, ChildFund Alliance, Child Helpline, Defence for Children International (DNI), ECPAT, the Inter-American Institute of the Child (IIN) of the OEA, Plan International, Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña por la Defensa de los Derechos de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (REDLAMYC), Red ANDI Internacional, Save the Children, UNICEF and World Vision International, and in the quality of observers: Fundación Marista de Solidaridad Internacional- FMSI, ICMEC and Viva, Juntos por la Niñez.

FMSI has applied for membership of this movement, but for the first year it is admitted as an “observador”.


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