2011-04-01 GENERAL HOUSE

Marist Laity

The General Council has appointed new members to the Enlarged Bureau of Laity. This means lay representation for the principal Regions of the Institute, and an enrichment of the Bureau’s reflection and animation with the different sensibilities and processes of the Marist world.

The four new members share this mission with Linda Corbeil, Tony Clarke, Ana Sarrate and Javier.


Fabiano Incerti

FabianoMarried to Tânia and father of Francisco. Former Marist student. With a postgraduate degree in Philosophy and finishing off a Doctorate. Religion teacher and pastoral counsellor in the Colegio Marista de Cascavel (1999-2003). Was subdirector of the Pastoral Sector of the Province from 2004 to 2008. Has been a member of the International Commission of Marist Youth Ministry. Since 2009 working in the Sector of Religious Life and Laity of the   province of Brasil Centro-Sur.  Has a notable ability for advising groups and  systematizing processes and documents.


Raúl Amaya

RaúlMarried and father of two sons. Chilean of the Province of Santa María de los Andes. Spent two years on the course of Master of Psychospiritual Accompaniment. Is also a Master in School Management and is now studying for the Diploma in Marist Patrimony. Was teacher of literature in theColegio Alonso de Ercilla de Santiago and co-ordinator of guidance in one of the sections of the college. Worked in the college Pastoral and Vocational Ministries. In 2010 was asked by the Province and the Sector to take charge of the co-ordination of the Spirituality and Laity Team of Chile.Is aSector Adviser of the Fraternities and responsible for animating the vocational journey of some 20 lay Marists.


Agnes Reyes

AgnesFrom the Philippines. Graduated in Guidance and Counselling. Obtained the Licentiate in Religious Education in 1996. Was Director of the  Champagnat Community College in the University of  Notre Dame de Marbel. Has been a member of the Ongoing Formation Team of the Brothers and animator of the Champagnat Movement in the Philippines. Has also been part of the evaluation team for Marist schools in Hong Kong and Singapore. Has been a lecturer in the Marist Asia and Pacific Centre, Manila (1998-2004), and member of the International Commission of the EAM, responsible for preparation of the document “Water from the Rock.”  Currently involved in the projectAd gentes.


Br Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa

SylvainMarist Brother of the Province of Madagascar. He was a formator at the Marist International Centre in Nairobi for 7 years , and then appointed Provincial, a role he filled from 2002 to 2007. At present, he is in charge of Vocations Ministry. As Provincial, he animated Lay Partnership. He took part in the International Meeting on processes of joint formation for Brothers and laity at Las Avellanes, Spain, in 2007. He is currently also responsible for the “Marist Family” of the Province, composed of different bodies: Former students, Marist Youth of Madagascar, Family of Marist Brothers and Laity.


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