Marist Lebanese communities are well
The danger of all-out war in the Middle East is greater than ever. The Marist community is praying for an end to the conflict and is especially asking for the Good Mother’s intercession, Our Lady of Lebanon, so that the children assisted by Project Fratelli in Lebanon may be spared and have their rights guaranteed.
The three Marist works in the country (Collége Mariste Champville, Collège Notre-Dame de Lourdes and Fratelli), despite the tension, continue their mission with the children and young people.
Brother Aureliano Garcia, Provincial of Mediterránea, describes the situation in the following text:
“The brothers and lay Marists of our three communities in Lebanon are well and encouraged, focused on their mission and committed to bringing hope in the lives of so many Lebanese who live daily with the continuing threat of war. They are witnessing escalating tension and increasing instability. Everything is unpredictable. I am in constant contact with our brothers and I can say that, today, the atmosphere in our communities is one of serenity and confidence. Of course, they follow with concern the daily events, but they continue to carry out their mission normally.
I ask all Champagnat Marists to pray for peace in the Middle East. May ‘Our Lady of Lebanon’ enlighten the hearts of the rulers to find ways of concord and understanding between peoples.”