2008-07-09 GENERAL HOUSE

Marist life

Br. Sunanda Alwis (South Asia)
Born on October 28, l956, in the city of Negombo, Sri Lanka, Brother Sunanda, as a schoolboy, attended Maris Stella College in Negombo, a Marist Brothers? school. He entered the postulancy in l974, and the novitiate in l975. SunandaHe made his perpetual profession in l985. Brother Sunanda has a degree in architecture.

He was assigned as Science teacher at Holy Cross College, Kalutara, Sri Lanka. He also worked for three years in Pakistan where he taught Mathematics, Senior Cambridge level, at St. Mary?s Academy, Islamabad.

Brother Sunanda?s other assignments include: Principal of St. Joseph?s College in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka; vocation promoter for one year; Provincial of Sri Lanka and Pakistan for seven years; three years on the Team at the Manziana Renewal Center near Rome; Principal of Maris Stella College, Negombo. Brother Sunanda was recently named to a three year term as Provincial of the South Asia Province.

Br. Antonio Peralta (Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes)

AntonioBrother Antonio Peralta Porcel comes from Granada (Spain), where he was born in 1961. He did his postulantship (1980) and the novitiate (1981) in Maimón (Seville), and the scholasticate (1982-1986) in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). He made his perpetual profession in 1988. He carried out his apostolic activities in Castilleja de la Cuesta, Seville, Alcalá de Henares and Granada.

In 1999 he was appointed as superior of the District of Bolivia and from 2002, on the setting up of the new province of Santa MarĂ­a de los Andes, in which Bolivia, Chile and Peru were integrated, he lived in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, assuming the position of Provincial Delegate for the Brothers of Bolivia.

Brother Seán, in his letter of appointment, thanks Brother Pedro Marcos for his six years of service to the Province of Santa María de los Andes, and thanks the Brothers of the province for their cooperation during the period of polling and discerning to name the new Provincial, and Brother Antonio for his readiness to assume the new responsibilities.

Br. HipĂłlito PĂ©rez GĂłmez (Central America)

HipólitoBrother Hipólito Pérez (Central America) hails from Dueñas (Palencia Province, Spain), where he was born in l965. In l981 he entered the Marist Brothers? postulancy located in Miranda de Ebro, Spain. He made his novitiate in Venta de Baños, Spain in l982, and his perpetual vows in l990. He did his professional formation in Guatemala majoring in Religious Sciences. In addition he took part in the Master of Novices? Course, Valpré France. The greater part of his apostolic life has been spent in the formation of future Marist Brothers. He was master of novices in San Salvador. At the time of being named Provincial he was master of novices at the interprovincial novitiate which serves the Norandina Province and the Central America Province. The interprovincial novitiate is in Medellín (Colombia).

Br. Thomas Randrianantenaina (Madagascar)

ThomasWhen Brother Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa, the Madagascar Provincial, reached the end of his second triennium, Brother Superior General and his Council chose Brother Jean Albert Thomas Randrianantenaina as his successor. The latter began his new apostolate as Provincial in the course of Provincial Chapter held in Antsirabe during Christmas holidays 2007.

One of the Institute?s younger Provincials, Brother Thomas was born in the Fianarantsoa Province of Madagascar in l965. His early formation took place in Madagascar, after which he continued in Nairobi, at M.I.C. for three years. Brother Thomas speaks English in addition to French. Prior to becoming Provincial, he was Principal of St. Joseph?s Secondary School in Antsi-rabe, which has more than two thousands students.

Br. Manuel V. de Leon (East Asia)

ManuelBrother Manuel comes from Marbel, Koronada, South Cotabato, Philippines where he was born in l958. He entered the Juniorate in l972, the postulancy in l974, and the novitiate in l975. He made first profession in l976 and perpetual profession in l982.

Brother Manuel taught at Totobato High School from l978 to l980, and at Kidapawan from l980 to l983. From l984 to l987 he was President of the Kidapawan school. He became principal of Marist High School, Marikina in l988, and in the year 2003 he was named Provincial of the Philippines Province. Brother Manuel remained as Philippines Provincial up to the restructuring process of 2007. In the course of the process he was chosen as East Asia Provincial. He earned a third-level degree in Education Administration at the University of the Philippines.


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