Marist life and Mission in Africa
In February & March our Postulancy Community, twenty-one members, three formators and eighteen postulants, saw its number increase with the arrival of the Major Superiors on their canonical visit to PACE – Province of Afrique Centre-Est / East Central Africa; and the Brothers from the Roo and Orore Communities ? Kenya – and those from Masonga Community-Tanzania.
The first to be with us was Brother Antonio Ramalho in charge of formation, from February 27th to March 4th. With him we had a good opportunity to share about the characteristics of Marist life and Mission in Africa to be stressed in our Postulancy. We also shared positive aspects of our work and the challenges we find. Besides formal meetings we enjoyed many moments together in prayer and celebrations.
Eighteen Brothers from Kenya and Tanzania arrived on Saturday 11th to have an assembly with Brother Seán Sammon, who was with us from that same day to Monday 13th, accompanied by Brother Eugene Kabanguka, our newly re-appointed Provincial Superior.
In our Assembly we concentrated on the topics of Mission, Identity and Lay partnership. Well-illustrated talks with schematic materials presented by power-point made us reflect and share our own ideas and experiences. We felt very encouraged to live our Religious Life as a living memory and a purifying element in the Church and in the world at the service of Gods Kingdom.
We were also happy to get some news about the General Administration, our causes of Beatifications, Vocations, coming documents and letters as well as other issues of interest.
The last but not the least to show us his personal interest in our work and lives was Brother Maurice Berquet who arrived on Tuesday 14th and spent less than a day, but a lot of energy.
We are grateful to our Superiors for their fraternal care and loving concern. Karibuni tena! (Come again).
Brother Rafael Álvarez Santana