2020-11-06 BOLIVIA

Marist ministry in the Bolivia sector: Walking from the Heart

Because of the pandemic, the pastoral animation team of Bolivia, Santa María de los Andes Province, has been evaluating different ways of doing youth ministry, looking for new spaces. One of these was live sessions on Facebook, which gave  participants the opportunity to get to describe their feeling and what to do about youth ministry involving different themes.

So, on July 4th, the virtual pastoral space called: WALKING FROM THE HEART started. The meetings are held via Facebook, on Saturday, at 6:30 pm (Bolivia time) and are aimed at addressing various pastoral issues following the religious calendar of Marist ministry that is happening throughout the year.

Some of these themes already dealt with are: the life of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, experiences in the GAMA movement, apostolate in the light of biblical characters and  the missionary month experience.

The team also welcomed representatives from the Province of the International Marist Youth Meeting “Weaving Life” 2019, who shared their experiences.

The recipients of these meetings are made up of those who are or have been involved in the different pastoral programmes that the Marist sector of Bolivia offers. Various friends who have been or are part of the MYM family at  institutional and congregational level also participated.

The work promoted by the pastoral team of the Marist sector of Bolivia has also been nourished by pastoral representatives from each work in Bolivia and this has allowed all  involved in youth ministry to do their bit in thinking about each content month by month.

Pope Francis said: “take a risk, he who does not risk does not advance”. So the Bolivian pastoral team does take risks in the world of social networks by means of the live media in order to continue evangelizing in the style of Champagnat.


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