2014-04-30 AUSTRALIA

Marist Oceania Council

The Oceania Council meeting took place at Varroville, Australia, on 16’16 April. The Council has been operating in its present form since 2012. This meeting provided an opportunity for reflecting on what has been accomplished by the Council to date and identify future directions. The Council examined the priorities established by the 2013 General Conference, the Province of Australia, the District of Melanesia and the District of the Pacific. lt identified the following as future directions:

  • Mission – Vulnerable Children, Leadership and Evangelisation
  • Marist Life a meaningful life, Spirituality, Community
  • Formation for life for young Marists (Brothers & lay)
  • Governance

The Council thanked and acknowledged its debt of gratitude to Br Anthony Robinson in his role in facilitating the work of the Oceania Council as the Oceania Regional Coordinator. Anthony relinquished this role towards the end of 2013.

The Council received a progress report on the formation of the Association of St Marcellin Champagnat.  This will have both church and civil recognition. Steps are being taken to establish the association which will be open to Champagnat Marists, brother and lay who choose to belong.

There have been significant changes in the Oceania Solidarity Network with the death of Br Nevil Bingley, the departure of Catherine Hannon and changes at FMSl.  Br Paul Haough will join OSN mid-year responsible for advocacy issues related to children. OSN is supporting workshops on child protection in the Districts of Melanesia and the Pacific during 2014.

There was an extensive discussion about the Oceania Partnership Commission.  lts role is to promote, support and develop a spirit of communion between all Champagnat Marists involved in Marist mission and life in the region of Oceania.  lts purpose is to ensure co-responsibility in decision making and in animation of Marist life and mission. The OPC represents a successful model for partnership within the Church.  lt provides a framework for lay and brothers to commit and belong to Marist life and mission at local and regional levels. The revised Charter was presented and adopted.

About the 2nd Marist lnternational Mission Assembly at Nairobi, the 12 delegates from Oceania will gather with the Oceania Council at St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill, prior to their departure in September. They will be challenged to find and explore new lands, to respond to the voices of young people in need, and to share and celebrated with hope a new time for the Marist charism in the third century of the lnstitute.


22 April 2014 – Tony d’Arbon
Download PDF – Executive Summary


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