2007-07-09 GENERAL HOUSE

Marist Patrimony

The principal axis of reflection centred on the necessary relationships between formation, patrimony and spirituality.
The Commission is happy to entrust to the General Administration for publication the complete collection of the writings of Champagnat, produced with critical notes and index by Brother Paul Sester. It also takes great joy in the completion of the translation into Spanish of the second volume of the Letters of Father Champagnat by Brother Tony Aragón.

A patrimony course will be given in the English language in Rome from February to June 2008, directed by Brothers Aureliano Brambila and Michael Green, both members of the Commission. We hope that this course will give rise to new vocations of researchers.
The Commission is grateful to the General Council for the attention it gives to its works.

In finishing, we would like to note the Marist Inter-branch Meeting held during the morning of the 25th June that allowed an exchange on recent publications such as volume one of the documents of the generalate of Father Colin, entitled ?Colin sup? and the Manual of the Third Order of Mary, the first rule of life for the SMSM Sisters.

Brother André Lanfrey, co-ordinator of the International Patrimony Commission.


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