Marist Province of « Cruz del Sur »
On 4, 5 and 6 October, we were gathered at the « Villa San José » in Luján, Argentina. After the presentation of the meeting and the words of welcome to the twelve fraternities, we began by invoking the Holy Spirit to lend his presence and light throughout the meeting.
This year we had the joy of welcoming two members of the « Hno. Gregorio Pastor » fraternity from Chile : Marina and José Retamal Carvajal.
On Saturday morning, we considered the topic of Mission, on the basis of the letter of Br Emili Turú, « To the ends of the earth ». Br Demetrio Espinosa animated this time with clarity and depth. The presence of N.D. of Luján and the meditated Rosary, at the beginning of the afternoon, prepared the hearts… In the afternoon, the topic of Spirituality, presented by Br Rubén Seipel, helped nourish the experience of prayer starting from life experience. The « desert » time in the grounds of « Villa San José » helped with interiorising the experience shared and its projection towards the future.
We also had a special thought for our martyrs who would be beatified on 13 October.
In the last working session, on Sunday morning, we received the guiding principles of the 2nd stage of the process of revitalisation of the fraternities. Thanks to the materials received, each fraternity, at the local level, will be able to continue the reflection aimed at renewal and adjustment to the current challenges of belonging to a fraternity of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family.
The Meeting concluded with the Eucharist celebrated with the elderly Brothers of the « Residencia Champagnat ».
These meeting days of the fraternities are always an occasion of enriching and reinforcing the living of the Marist charism, of continuing the Mission in following the footsteps of our father Saint Marcellin. It is a pause for growing, working on interiority and celebrating reunions, for sharing the Marist life which makes us progress in our local communities.