2019-10-10 MEXICO

Marist Spirituality and Charism

The Fraternities of Mexico have celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the National Meeting of the MCFM

The members of the Marist Fraternities of the Provinces of México Occidental and México Central gathered from October 4-6, at Casa Juan Pablo II, in San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco, to celebrate the XXV National Fraternity Meeting of the MCFM.

The event, which follows the Third Call of the XXII General Chapter, "To be Builders of Bridges", was attended by 145 participants from 19 fraternities, from both Central and Western Provinces, accompanied by 16 Brothers.

The Superior General, Brother Ernesto Sánchez Barba, participated in the event by means of a video message in which he greeted and encouraged everyone to continue working for each one of the fraternities.

The MCFM emerged as a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Institute in the words of Brother Charles Howard  in 1985, and it grew slowly but surely in several cities of Mexico.

The first National Meeting was held in 1995 at Quinta Soledad, in Mexico City, with the idea of sharing the experiences of the fraternities and with the objective of strengthening prayer and encouraging the growth of this spirituality. Since then, these meetings have been held every year without interruption, praying to Jesus, Mary and Saint Marcellin to help the laity grow in Marist spirituality and charism.


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