2019-05-03 BRAZIL

Marist Union of Brazil

UMBRASIL  has published the Curriculum Guidelines for Basis Education in the colleges of the three Marist Provinces of Brazil: Brazil Centro-Norte, Brazil Centro-Sur and Brazil Sul-Amazonia. There are four volumes in the set, each one corresponding to a subject area: Languages and Codes (Volume 1); Human Sciences (Volume 2); Natural Sciences (Volume 3); Mathematics (Volume 4).

“We have not spared our efforts in relation to people, time and resources for this work to be a point of reference in our Marist Education Action within the Brazilian context,” stated Br Natalino Guilherme de Souza, Executive Secretary of UMBRASIL. “It is really a pioneer project that has only been possible through the determination, efficiency, daring and availability or many hands,” he added.

The first draft was prepared by a team in 2010 to 2012. Last year, in the light of changes made by the Ministry of Education, a team made up of 11 teachers and specialists from the three Provinces of Brazil and FTD updated the Curriculum Guidelines starting from basic ideas developed in conjunction with the Commission on Primary Education of UMBRASIL.

The team aimed at ensuring the academic quality of its work, the ideal of keeping the link between education and evangelisation in Marist Institutions across Brazil, and the respect of values; unity across curriculum policies in Marist colleges and an education that integrates awakening faith and living by Gospel values based on our Marist Charism and Mission, combined with developing academic, moral, aesthetic, political and technological competence.

For further details, see http://www.umbrasil.org.br/portfolio/matrizes-da-educacao-basica-versoes-atualizadas/


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