2014-07-22 ARGENTINA

Marist Vocations Animation in Cruz del Sur

On 7 July, representatives of the Marist Province of Cruz del Sur gathered to make a start on two new projects of the Marist Vocations Animation team: Youth vocation Groups and Strengthening of the Lay Marist Vocation. They came to the city of Buenos Aires from Jujuy, San Francisco, Merlo, Tigre, Luján, Morón, Pergamino, Frayle Pintado and Montevideo for a fraternal, productive and hopeful day’s meeting. Fraternal because of the abundance of embraces, smiles of recognition, cups of maté, counsel, shared dreams. Productive because the second part of the meeting, in the afternoon, consisted of beginning to take the first steps: we did not wish to leave anything to later, but to begin there and then to draw up proposals and plan the projects for each work or institution. 

And hopeful, because we saw with our own eyes that we had a lot of material for being able to go ahead with this: works and activities that had already been going for many years, shared values and criteria which are continually becoming stronger under Marcellin’s gaze, and people with heart, with longings, with passion and with a Marist spirit who are capable of building everything proposed on rock.



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