2016-04-26 BRAZIL

Marist Youth Laity is born in the Brasil Centro-Sul Province

The XXI general chapter of the Marist Institute proposes “a new relationship between Brothers and laity, based in Communion, in search of a greater vitality of the Marist charism for our world.”

As we approach the celebration of the bicentenary, this is a call that will very soon be answered if it depends on the will of the Marist youth of the Brasil Centro-Sul province.

Over 70 youth of 15 cities gathered in Curitiba on April 16 – 17 for the encounter titled “Charism and commitment,” an activity for Marist graduates. 

The Marist Youth Laity was born during this encounter, initiating a bold way with a new way to live the values of Mary and the charism of Champagnat.

The encounter included the collaboration of several people, including Brother André Lanfrey, who did a presentation on Brother François Rivat, and Brother João Batista Pereira, who told the youth the importance of having a life project both personal and regarding the community.

Other committed laity who share the Marist ideal helped in animating the encounter.

“This movement of the laity is an aim to give continuity to the Marist life, even after having completed university,” stated John Sedrez, former student of the Marist Archdiocesan São Paulo School.

The encounter concluded with a celebration of the commitment, which reissued the promise of the twelve young men almost 200 years ago who went up the hill of Fourvière to give their lives and their works to Mary.

Participants made a commitment to live the charism casting their promises at the feet of the image of Our Lady.


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