2015-06-05 KIRIBATI

Marists meet in Fiji Islands and in Kiribati

In May two retreats for Champagnat Marists (Brothers and Lay) were held in the Fiji Islands 4-8 May and Kiribati 12-15 May.  The retreats were the third part of a four-year cycle in preparation for the bi-centennial.  Parts one and two focused on Champagnat Marist spirituality and charism.  This retreat was based on the letters of St. Marcellin Champagnat.  Part four in 2016 will focus on Mary in acknowledgement of the Fourvière event.  Brothers Kevin Wanden, Kevin Dobbyn and Kees van der Weert facilitated the retreat.

In Kiribari, the Brothers have two communities. One is attached to St. Louis’ High School and the other is a formation community.  Kiribati is located in the central Pacific Ocean and consists of 33 widely scattered atolls. 

The Brothers established their first school in Suva, Fiji in 1888.  There are now two primary schools, an early childhood centre and Marist Brothers High School in Suva. In addition, the Champagnat Institute offers educational opportunities for students excluded from main-stream schooling.   There are two communities in Suva, one at Vatuwaqa and the other at Carew Street.  The second community is the house of initial formation.  The noviciate for the District of the Pacific is located at Lomeri, about one hour from Suva along the Western coast. 


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