Marists of America Central hold the First Provincial Educational Congress
Five hundred Marists from the Province of America Central participated in the First Provincial Congress of Education, which took place from 23 to 24 August at the Liceo Salvadoreño in El Salvador, under the motto “Sowing the Future”. The principal participants were educational leaders from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, brothers and lay Marists. Guests from other Catholic and educational institutions in the country, such as public schools that participate in the Marist “Tejiendo Sueños” initiative, were also present. On behalf of the General Institute, Br. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, presented the document Marist Educational Mission (In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat).
The main objectives of the First Congress were: to celebrate the centenary of the Marist presence in Central America; to energize and promote the educational mission in the Province; and to seek paths of innovation, transformation and educational quality.
The Provincial Congress was organized by the Provincial Education Commission (made up of Brenda Santos, CĂ©sar González, Gerardo MunguĂa (c), Idalia Ramos, Mirian Urbina, MĂłnica Ulloa, NicĂ©foro Garrán, Sonia Monterroso, Bertha GarcĂa and Enil CarbĂł), coordinated by Brother Gerardo MunguĂa who is the Provincial Coordinator of Education, and in turn, Coordinator of the Provincial Education Commission.
At the beginning of the congress, Brother Nice Gárrán, Rector of the Liceo Salvadoreño, welcomed all the participants and highlighted the importance of this meeting to strengthen the Marist educational mission. Then, Brother Gerardo MunguĂa, Provincial Education Coordinator, offered the opening remarks and highlighted the need to continue promoting a transformative educational approach in favour of children, adolescents and young people, and aligned with current challenges. For his part, Br. Juan Carlos Bolaños, Provincial of Central America, encouraged the participants to make the most of this opportunity to promote Marist education in the region in the future. Later, Br. Leonardo Yepes – on behalf of Br. Carlos Alberto Rojas, Provincial of Norandina – gave a present to Br. Juan Carlos Bolaños, in recognition of all the members of the Education Team, which oversaw the organization and development of this great event.
During the congress, leading experts shared their knowledge and experiences in the field of educational innovation. Speakers included Br. Luis Carlos GutiĂ©rrez, Vicar General – “Servant and prophetic leadership”; Br. Leonardo Yepes, national coordinator of education for the Colombia sector – Norandina Province: “Educational Innovation”; Br. Natalino de Souza (Brazil), president of the Board of Directors of Marists Brazil and coordinator of the School Network: “Networking as a Strategy for the Future”; Dr. Mario Ernesto Cornejo, SJ. Rector of the JosĂ© SimeĂłn Cañas Central American University (El Salvador): “Innovative perspective in higher education to confront and seek solutions to social problems in the Central American region”; Ana Isabel SaborĂo (Costa Rica), deputy director of the Secretariat for Lay Leadership: “Weaving Knowledge: Educational Transformation through Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity“; Dr. Isauro Blanco (Mexico), expert in neuroscience applied to education with an in-depth course: “Neuroscience applied to education”; Ana Lorena Guevara de Valera (El Salvador), specialist in educational management and curriculum development: “Reading and writing”, fundamental strategies and methodologies in the comprehensive training of students; Lic. Irma Peña (Puerto Rico), specialist in new technological trends in education: “STEAM in Action”, how the integration of Science and Technology can transform learning in the classroom; and Edward Valderrama, business director of K12 at ODILO: “Learning with AI for a Sustainable Future”.
At the conclusion of the First Provincial Congress of Marist Education, the students of the Liceo Salvadoreño delighted the public with an emotional musical that commemorated 100 years of Marist presence in this educational institution.
The date of the next congress has not yet been scheduled, but the Province of Central America convenes its directors every year for educational training that can be applied in the educational centers.”