2025-01-31 GENERAL HOUSE

Mass of thanksgiving for the life of Br. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez

“On Tuesday, February 4, one month after the death of Brother Luis Carlos, we will have a Eucharist here at the General House at 5:00 p.m. to give thanks for his life and Marist vocation,” Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, told the provincials on January 31. The celebration, which will be attended by his mother, Loren, and his sister, Marta, will be a time to celebrate and give thanks for all the service that Brother Luis Carlos has rendered to the Institute throughout his Marist life, and in these 7 years as Vicar General.

“The General Council will be present, together with the brothers and laity of the General House, the group of brothers from Manziana, some brothers from Italy, several priests and sisters from the Marist branches, and religious from various congregations,” added Brother Ernesto.

The following day, the communications department will post some photos and videos of the celebration on the Institute’s channels. As a tribute to Br. Luis Carlos, a special edition of Marist News will be sent out on the 4th.


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