2017-05-02 GENERAL HOUSE

May – June 2017

April 26 – May 5: Workshop in Brasilia: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity.
April 26 – May 29: visit to the Mexico Occidental province: general councillor Brother Víctor Preciado.
April 30 – July 3: Second formation programme for participants of Lavalla200> (International Communities for a New Beginning) in San Martino a Monte, Italy: Brothers Jeff Crowe and Ángel Medina, formation leaders.
May 2 – 6: SEDOS on mission and finances in Nemi, Italy: superior general Brother Emili Turú and econome general Brother Libardo Garzón.
May 2 – 12: Participants of the ‘Senderos’ programme in Manziana, Italy, for English speakers and in El Escorial, Spain, for Spanish/Portuguese speakers are on pilgrimage in L’Hermitage, France.
May 3 – 17: Session of the Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, Switzerland: Brother Evaristus Kasambwe of FMSI.
May 5 – 6: Marist Asia Conference gather in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: general councillor Brother Michael De Waas and Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal, director of the Secretariat of Mission.
May 8 – 16: Session of the Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, Switzerland: Brother Manel Mendoza of FMSI.
May 9 – 11: Communications committee gathers in Rome: general councillor Brother Antonio Ramalho and the communications office.
May 10 – 12:  Meeting of the European Commission of the laity in Madrid, Spain: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity.
May 10 – 13: Meeting of the ‘ad hoc’ team to elaborate the New Horizons formation programme of Africa – Phase II, in Rome: Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas y Mark Omede, directors of the Secretariat of Mission.
May 19 – 21: Recollection Days for brothers of the Sri Lankan sector in Negombo, Sri Lanka: Brother Tony Leon, director of Brothers Today secretariat.
May 24 – 27: Meeting of the European team of Brothers Today in Paris, France: Br Tony Leon.
May 22 – 23: Workshop for South Asia Provincial Council in Sri Lanka: Br Michael De Waas.
May 22 – 24: Visit to youth observatories in Porto Alegre and Curitiba, Brazil: Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal and Mark Omede.
May 22 – 26: Meeting of the International Council of Economic Affairs in Curitiba, Brazil: Econome general Br Libardo Garzón
May 24 – 26: Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (USG) at the Salesian General House in Rome: superior general Brother Emili Turú.
May 25 – 29: Encounter of the permanent council, committees and subcommittees of the Inter-American Conference of Provincials (CIAP) in Curitiba, Brazil: Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal and Mark Omede of the Secretariat of Mission; Brother Hipólito Pérez, assistant director of the Brothers Today Secretariat; Brother Chris Wills, director of Collaboration for Mission, International.
May 26: Recollection for Maris Stella College Staff, Negombo, Sri Lanka: Br Michael De Waas.
May 26 – 29: Youth encounter in the United States: Br Emili Turú.
May 26 – 31: Check up on the systems for the General Chapter in Sept. and review of applications in the service of the Institute in Curitiba, Brazil: general councillor Brother Josep Maria Soteras.
May 27 – June 5: Meeting of the Extended Secretariat and the African Commission in Nairobi: Br. Javier Espinosa
May 28 – June 4: International commission of the laity in Nairobi: Brother Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity.

June 1 – 30: Plenary session of the General Council.
June 1 – 6: Encounter with the provincial council of Brasil Centro-Norte in Brasilia, Brazil: general councillor Brother Josep Maria Soteras.
June 2 – 4: Meeting of the International Encounter of Marist Youth (EIJM) preparatory commission in Guatemala: Brothers Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal and Mark Omede.
June 5 – 9: Patrimony International Commission, at the general house: Brothers Today Secretariat directors, Brothers Tony Leon and Hipólito Pérez.
June 6: Celebration of the bicentenary and the feast of Saint Marcellin Champagnat at the general house: general council, general administration and guests.
June 7 – 9: Annual meeting of FMSI Cono Sur in Santiago de Chile, Chile: FMSI director Marzia Ventimiglia.
June 7 – 11:  Pilgrimage to the Hermitage with the laity of the General House: Br Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity and Br. Carlos Huidobro, Secretary General.
June 12 – 16: Encounter of ‘Corazón Solidario’ in Santiago de Chile: Marzia Ventimiglia and Brother Manel Mandoza of FMSI.
June 8 – 11: Provincial assembly of Canada: vicar general Brother Joe McKee.
June 9 – 11: Bicentenary celebration in Athens, Greece: superior general Brother Emili Turú.
June 13 – 28: Course for accompaniators of Arco Norte in Guatemala: Br Javier Espinosa
June 20 – July 3: Marist Youth Festival ‘AWAKEN’ in Sydney, Australia: Br Tony Leon.
June 21 – 26: Encounter of the International Council for Economic Affairs (CIAE) in Curitiba, Brazil: econome general Brother Libardo Garzón.
June 24 – Aug. 24: ‘Amanecer’ programme in Manziana, Italy, for Spanish and Portuguese speakers.
June 29 – July 3: Workshops in Guatemala and El Salvador: Br Javier Espinosa


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