2020-05-06 GENERAL HOUSE

May with Mary

The month of May is a special time of devotion to Mary, not only for us Marists but for the whole Church.

The Constitutions of the Institute remind us that Marcellin Champagnat wanted his disciples to live in the spirit of Mary (Const. 4). That is why he encouraged the celebration of the month of May, as Furet reminds us: “All the Brothers will take to heart the celebration of the month of Mary and will lead the students to do the same with joy and devotion” (Jean-Baptiste Furet).

Pope Francis, in a letter sent to the faithful for the month of May 2020, invites us “to discover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home. He also proposed the texts of two prayers to Our Lady, which we make available here (English | Español | Français | Português).

Other resources for May are available on that link.


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