Meeting of the Arco Norte Regional Council
On 22 August the Arco Norte Regional Council met in video conference, in
the presence of Provincials GĂ©rard Bachand (Canada), Patrick McNamara (United
States), José Sånchez (México Central), César Augusto Rojas and Orlando Escobar
(Norandina), Miguel Ăngel Santos (MĂ©xico Occidental) and HipĂłlito PĂ©rez
(América Central). Brothers João Carlos do Prado, General Councillor and
liaison for the Region and Gregorio Linacero and Rodrigo Espinosa, as
Coordinators of the Regional Committee, also took part.
Brother Ăscar MartĂn, General Councillor, and responsible for the animation of
the La Valla 200 Project, intervened during the session to share the progress
of this project of the Institute and in particular the vision of the Montagne
community of HolguĂn (Cuba), which belongs to the region.
Brother TomĂĄs Briongos, Provincial of Compostela, who always accompanies us
because of our links with the Marist life and mission in Honduras, could not
participate on this occasion for personal reasons.
This intuition of the author Francesc Torralba, motivated our reflection,
sharing and research: “Uncertainty is a fundamental feature of our time.
We do not know what is the meaning of what we call the new normality. There is
fear, dread and trembling. It is easy to fall into despair and nihilism. What
is difficult is to imagine new scenarios.
The crisis has accelerated the digital transition and this has pros and cons,
but it has also accelerated the ecological transition. This could inaugurate a
new way of producing, consuming and relating to each other.” (Francesc
Torralba, Living the Essential)
Throughout the session we developed the following objectives:
– To share significant aspects experienced in our provinces of Arco Norte as a
result of the experience of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 disease.
– To follow up the initiatives in the Region and the Continent, particularly
the Communications process.
– To accompany the journey of Marist life and mission in the Montagne community
(HolguĂn, Cuba) and the Province of Canada.
– To define the itinerary of the Regional Forum: “A new present, a better
future”, 26 and 27 October 2020.
– To approve the document: Organisations and functions of the Arco Norte
Region, the members of the Arco Norte Regional Committee (CRAN) 2021-2023 and
the “Rules of Procedure of the Permanent Council CAP”.
H. HipĂłlito PĂ©rez – Provincial of Central America