Meeting of the Conference of Superiors of the African Continent in Nairobi
The Conference of Superiors of the African Continent (CSAC) met July 1-3 at the Marist Scholasticate of Africa (MIC) in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting of the Conference, formed by the five provincials of the Marist Region of Africa, was attended by Brother Ă“scar MartĂn Vicario, General Councilor linking the Institute with the Region. The objectives were to delve into various aspects of Marist life on the continent, receive progress reports, approve the 2024-25 budgets, and oversee the economy and operations of the Marist International Center (MIC) and the Marist International University College (MIUC).
The meeting has also facilitated meetings, dialogues, and collaborative work with several significant groups:
- Meeting of the Finance and Sustainability Commission of Africa, with the presence of all the Provincial Bursars, accompanied by Br. Jorge Gaio, Econome General.
- Meeting with the leaders of the Board of Trustees, represented by Br. Theoneste Kalisa and Br. Francis Lukong
- Meeting with the Formation Team of the Marist International Center (MIC), as well as follow-up on reports from Br. Mark Anokwuru, the Superior of the MIC, and Br. Francis Lukong, the Director of the MIUC.
- Visit to the group of Brothers who are participating in the “Spirituality of the Heart” course in the city of Nairobi.
The work and meetings were complemented by reports and papers presented by other committees:
- Report and requests from the Africa Mission Committee
- Solidarity Team Report.
- Brothers Today Team Consultation: Preparation for the Community Animators’ Course to be held in October in Nigeria.
- Reflection and decisions based on the report and ideas provided by the “Reimagining MIC and MIUC” Commission”.
- Follow-up on the Lavalla200 community, recently established in Lilongwe, Malawi.
The CSAC meets, in attendance, every year. The next meeting will be held from January 13 to 17, 2025, in Madagascar.