Meeting of Young Brothers of Arco Norte (Jérémie, Haiti, July 2012)
The young brothers of the provinces of Arco Norte gathered together from June 24 to July 16, both in the Province of Canada and in the Sector of Haiti, for an exceptional experience of brotherhood. Most of us met one another for the first time. We shared our initial experience of Marist life in our own localities and the vision of preparing ourselves for perpetual profession.
It was at “Camp Mariste” in Rawdon, at the “Obra vida nueva” in Desbiens, the postulancy in Jérémie, as well as visiting the communities of Dame Marie and Latibolière, where we lived this experience, witnessing in each place the family spirit and the love of work. We also noticed the realities of marginalization and our role as educators and evangelizers, in solidarity with the poorest children and youth, just as Marcellin Champagnat longed for in the initial formation of his Brothers.
I appreciate enormously having been able to share this experience of the international nature of the Institute, to realize that we are united by the same heart and the same spirit, to learn from the brothers with more experience and to admire their dedication being and inspiration for many lay men and women and young people who want to choose to live the charism that Marcellin bequeathed to us.
I thank God and the Institute for allowing us to live this experience of the international Marist charism.
Br. Jorge Mauricio Chamorro