2021-09-15 GENERAL HOUSE

Message of the Marist International Mission Commission: Form good Christians and virtuous citizens

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The seventh message of the International Commission on Marist Mission deals with a challenge for our time, as Marists of Champagnat: ‘Form good Christians and virtuous citizens’. So invited Marcellin Champagnat invited his first Brothers. “Today, and more than ever, this invitation still defines our mission as Marist educators, whether we be Brothers or lay people.”

Christophe Schietse, Secretary for Mission of the Marist Region of Europe, have produced the reflection statement based on the contributions of the Commission.

The text highlights the Marist Mission that focuses on education and evangelization, “enabling the whole of society to contribute to the education of future generations, knowing full well that the future of the social project depends on them”. That goal can be reached promoting the “concept of an integral and inclusive education which does not wish to be confined to the classroom but which embraces a variety of life experiences, learning processes, and educational and pastoral events where the other is welcomed in their difference – be it cultural, social, ethnic, religious or gender – in order to discover in that person the splendour of the image of God.”

You will find the other messages that the Commission has published from January onwards at this link.

The Marist International Mission Commission, made up of Brothers and Laypeople, took on the task of reflecting on the centrality of Marist mission in today’s world.

If you would like to share your ideas, reflections or experiences with the Commission as a result of this message, please write to [email protected]

The Commission was set up to facilitate the networking of secretariats, networks and regions in an integrated and sequential manner. The Commission will help leaders to reflect on the initiatives and implementation processes of the Strategic Plan projects in the field of Mission  at global, regional and province levels. At the same time, the aim of the International Commission is to coordinate the different initiatives and actions of the Regions, Networks and General Administration in order to maximise their impacts and effects.

The members of the Commission: Br Luis Carlos GutiĂ©rrez Blanco (Coordinator, Vicar General), Br Ben Consigli (General Councillor), Br Ken McDonald (General Councillor), Br Francis Jumbe (Region of Africa – Southern Africa Province), Br Marciano GuzmĂĄn Morana (Region of Europe – Mediterranean Province), Br Gregorio Linacero MelĂłn (Region of Arco Norte – Central America Province), Br Alberto Guillermo Aparicio (South America Region – Cruz del Sur Province), Br. Farancis Rahmat (Region of Asia – East Asia), Br. Ángel Diego GarcĂ­a Otaola (Solidarity Secretariat), Br. ValdĂ­cer Fachi (Cmi), Br. Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal and Br. Okolo Mark Omede (Education and Evangelisation Secretariat), Br. ManuĂ­r Mentges (Network of Universities – Prov. Brasil Sul-Amazonia), Frank Malloy (Schools Network- Prov. Australia), MarĂ­a del Socorro Álvarez (Solidarity Network – Prov. MĂ©xico Central), and MarĂ­a Bobillo (Marist Youth Network – Prov. Compostela).

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