2017-10-16 COLOMBIA

Message of the Vicar General

A greeting to all the Marists of Champagnat from all five continents! Like Brother Ernesto who began his mandate as Superior General on the 3rd October, I would like to thank all the Marists that has given us the opportunity to serve the Institute during the next 8 years.

The General Chapter has invited us to build bridges. This General Chapter has invited us to be bridges of humanity in a world that is fractured, in societies that are often divided. As brothers and sisters who identify with the heart of Champagnat, our true vocation is to be bridges of humanity in all the continents where we live.

These days of the General Chapter have shown us the richness of our charism and mission, shown in the presence of Marist lay people and young brothers. This gives hope to a future that is shared with the Brothers, the Marist Sisters of Champagnat, other Marist lay men and women, and with all those who commit themselves to pastoral care and service of the Church and the world.

Thanks be to God, we believe that we are a great family. We want this family to grow in the Spirit and at the service of the Church and the world.

For all of us, this Chapter signifies a renewal. Thanks to this experience, we hope that the following years we can live with much hope and with great strength. I hope that you, and each one of us who have participated in this chapter, feel committed to Marist life, today and always.

May the Lord, and the Good Mother, bless you abundantly.


Friday, October 13...


Pilgrimage to the Holy Valley (Ouadi Qadisha)...