México Central and Occidental
Those responsible for solidarity of the Marist Provinces of México Central and Occidental prepared, alongside other organisations of civil society, an interesting report on the rights of children and youth in the country. This report will be released in the coming months by FMSI and its allies in Geneva, in the context of the Universal Periodic Review.
Mexico is experiencing a structural crisis of violence, insecurity, corruption and impunity that affects an important part of its almost 40 million children and adolescents. The report focuses on issues such as children with disabilities, migrants and indigenous people; the effects of earthquakes, pollution and poverty; the difficulties in implementing the new protection system and violence against women.
Along with providing detailed and solid information, it presents the government with more than 40 recommendations. These will be presented in embassies and permanent missions of several countries, so that their representatives recommend them to Mexico when it corresponds their examination before the Human Rights Council, next November.
FMSI is the foundation created by the Institute to promote and protect the rights of children. FMSI carries on its mission through the activity of advocacy and lobbying and with projects in the countries in which the Marists are present.
FMSI was constituted in 2007 in Italy as a non-profit organization of social usefulness (ONLUS).
From 2011 it has the special consultative status before the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.
FMSI is member of: Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance (BICE), Centre Catholique International de Genève (CCIG), Child Rights Connect, Movimiento Mundial por la Infancia de Latinoamérica y El Caribe, FOCSIV (Federazione degli Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario), Observatorio Niñez y Adolescencia (ONA), Santiago de Chile.