Migration, sexual abuse and the changing climate
"Marists and emergent needs" was the title of the tenth meeting of CaféColoquios organized by the Institute of Marist Studies (IEM) of the Papal University of Salamanca, on the 12th and 13th of February, in Santiago de Compostela and Salamanca.
On this occasion, the guest speaker was Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal, Director of the Secretariat of Education and Evangelismof the Institute of the Marist Brothers. He spoke to the university students on the challenges of the XXII General Chapter of the Marist Brothers and how the Brothers address and respond to the challenges raised.
During his intervention, Brother Beto covered the topic of the emergent needs and he based his lecture on such aspects as migration, sexual abuse, climate change and global warning.
When he referred to migration, the religious detailed the projects that the Brothers carry out at international level to respond to the needs of the refugees and fugitives, as, for example, the Centre for Intercultural Aid and Counselling (CIAO) in Italy, the Fratelli Project in Lebanon, the Solidarity project for the South of Sudan; the Three2six project in South Africa, and Heart without Bounds in Colombia.
In connection with the topic of sexual abuse of minors, Brother Beto highlighted the participation of 219 Marist educators in several countries who have taken part in the formation Programme on policies of protection carried out by the Papal Gregorian University of Rome, Italy. He also mentioned the work of the Marist Foundation of International Solidarity (FMSI) which avails itself of mechanisms and international institutions such as the UN (Geneva), presenting several Reports on the topic and Human Rights. Similarly, he spoke of the work of the Marist Consultation on the Day of General Debate of the United Nations (DGD 2018) and the formation of Tutors of Resilience for Marist projects.
In conclusion, Brother Beto spoke of the problem of climate change and global warming, and he mentioned the work of the Marists present in Tabatinga (Brazil), to help the indigenous communities; and the Australian Marist Solidarity (AMS) of the Marist Province of Australia which sustains projects for support and education in all Asia and the islands of the Pacific.
The Café-Coloquios of the Institute of Marist Studies (IEM) is held annually and deals with themes related to the Marist Institute. The initiative is sponsored by the Marist Provinces of Compostela and Mediterránea, with the valuable collaboration of the Edelvives Foundation and the Faculty of Education of UPSA.