2016-02-26 BRAZIL

Ministry in a parish

Often it may seem that subjectivity prevails when assessing the work of a fraternity. After all, is it really something you have to do of the human and Christian experience?

Reflecting on the words of the Master: “Where two or more are united in my name, I will be with them” we refer to the Eucharistic celebrations, where the commitment to meditate and receive the Christian food becomes a basic need.

The Marist experience and coexistence always emphasized these aspects. Marcellin himself labelled the encounter with the community, the practice of cohabitation, as a means in the journey of the search for the good, as stated in his biography: “Convinced that in order to do good and win men to God, one must obtain their love and affection. Mr Champagnat strived to gain the trust of the residents of the parish since his arrival in La Valla.”.

This has been one of the activities of the La Valla Fraternity, in Florianopolis, province of Brasil Centro-Sul. It is achieved through the liturgical apostolate in the parish of Santa Rita de Cassia, in the neighborhood Jardim Atlântico. The animation of the monthly mass expressly counts on the support of the Marist Brothers of the community, close to the parish where the Fraternity meets.

We gather each month for our encounter and festive celebrations. After the meeting, we all participate in animating songs and the liturgy of the Eucharist of the parish community.

The desire and the pleasure of celebrating with the community as a testimony of the members of the Fraternity has allowed us to overcome difficulties and has promoted services like catechesis, for example. It is a joy and a projection of the Marist charism lived in fraternity.


Br João Paulo Aranhaga Vargas...


Marist Union of Brasil...