Mission ad gentes for me is a grace
I feel blessed with the rich experiences we had during our discernment program in Davao. It gave me the opportunity to look back to the hallmark of my personal story with profound gratitude, to grow in attentiveness to the leadings of the Spirit during accompaniment and prayer moments, and at the end of our three-month program, to ultimately respond to God?s concrete call for me to mission.I commit myself to Mission Ad Gentes certainly NOT because I have the expertise to respond to missionary needs and the disposition to withstand the tensions of living the missionary life. Mission for me now has become a grace-filled opportunity of a journey towards finding Jesus, being with him, and staying on with him in the lives of the others. I have become more passionate in my desire to be present not for the poor but for Jesus in them!Putting confidence in Mary and Marcellin, I move on, forward looking, to this missionary journey of faith. I am placed in Bangokok, Thailand._____________________Agnes Segovia Reyes (Philippines)Davao, 14th September 2010