Mission and Marist Life in Oceania
The Commission of Collaboration of Oceania met on 5 and 6 of March in the community of Lomeri, Fiji, with the objective of promoting the Marist life and mission in the region.
In the meeting the following participated: Brothers Jone Seduadua and Luke Fong, organizers of the encounter; Carole Work from Australia, (extensionof the Secretariat for the Laity), and the members of the Commission of Collaboration of Oceania: Ruth Hihiru, Br. Finan Valei (District of Melanesia) Elizabeth Falconer, Joe McCarthy and Tony Clarke (Australia), Br. Jone Seduadua and Dan Dungey (District of the Pacific)
The meeting of the Commission had as principal theme to explore two key strategies:
- To continue identifying and promoting the development of future leaders in all the regions.
- To determine the necessary resources to promote the Marist Life and Mission.
During the encounter, the members of the Commission visited the Champagnat Marist Institute of Suva, in Fiji, and they shared moments of solidarity together.
The Commission meets twice a year and this is the first annual meeting.