Mission, sustainability, formation, community life and communication
The Conference of Superiors of the African Continent held its Annual General Meeting of 2019 in Nairobi (Kenya), at the Marist International Centre (MIC) community, from Monday 28th January to Saturday 2nd February.
During this meeting, the CSAC members discussed their identity as a Regional Conference and their mission. They considered possibilities for greater collaboration for increased vitality across the Region.
Based on the context of the continent, the CSAC members chose priorities areas where they would like to grow at this time: Mission Team, Sustainability and Finances, Formation Commission, Community life area; having an operational model of communication (see schema).
The reflection helped to formulate general objectives for each one of the priorities. The five tasks were distributed among the CSAC members, in order to propose a way forward for each one.
Another topic of great importance was the post-novitiate, the MIC. Since the meeting took place in that formation house, CSAC members were able to discuss topics such as the community life, the identity of this center of formation, as well as the programs and studies that the young brothers are following in the MIUC. There were also opportunities to have several formal and informal encounters with the Brothers of the Formation Team of the Center, as well as with the Scholastics.
A special invitee to the meeting was Br Tony Clark from the International Community of the Lavalla200>program based in Atlantis, South Africa, close to Cape Town. Brother Tony had the opportunity to thank the five AU’s for their interest and financial contribution to the establishment and running costs of this community. He also spoke to the CSAC members about the process of formation of the community, which is continuing, especially with the coming of a Brazilian couple; the ministry that they are doing already, their plans and budget for the near future, as well as their successes and areas of challenge.
The CSAC is formed by the Major Superiors of the 5 Marist Administrative Units in the African Region: Brothers Cyprian Gandeebo (West Africa District), Vincent Abadom (Nigeria), Théoneste Kalisa (Africa Centro East), Michel Mami (Madagascar) and Norbert Mwila (Southern Africa). The secretary of the CSAC is Brother Teodoro Grageda.
Br Albert Nzabonaliba – The MIC superior was invited to take part in the meeting. The General Councillors, Brothers Óscar Martín and Ken McDonald, also attended.
The leaders of the AU’s of the continent will have their next meeting in Rome (1st – 2nd March), as all of them will be present at the General House for the meeting of Provincials and District Leaders.