Monday, October 9
Monday marked the beginning of the discernment process for the election of the six General Councilors. During the morning sessions, the calls, principles and suggestions for Chapter themes of finance and mission were discussed and approved.
Today’s morning prayer was led by Brother John Hazelman from the District of the Pacific. Presentations on two thematic areas remained after Saturday’s work, namely, Finance and Mission. Brother Seán Sammon presented the revised text of principles and suggestions being proposed by the Finance group. Br. Carlos Alberto Rojas presented the revised text for the Mission group. After each presentation, table groups discussed the proposed text looking to see whether there was general agreement or if further changes were needed to content or wording. Some changes were suggested and agreed to by the Chapter Assembly. These will be included in the final version of the texts for the 5 calls will form part of the final Chapter document.
Just before lunch, some time was given for capitulants to discuss the ‘New models of animation, governance and management project’. This was an area that surfaced last week in relation to the principles and suggestions being proposed by the Government group. As there was insufficient time to discuss this matter fully, the matter will be taken up at a later date.
Process for the election of the General Council
The process for the discernment of candidates for election as General Councilors began at 3.00 p.m. The elections of 6 Councilors to accompany Brothers Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, and Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, during the next 8 years, will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, 10th October.
The discernment process began with Marial prayer. Capitulants, sitting at tables of mixed languages, cultures and countries, proceeded to respectfully consider names of possible candidates who could serve as Councilors. This exercise occurred twice for 30 minutes at a time. Each capitulants then used the remainder of the time until 6 p.m. quietly contemplating which six people he would nominate by writing their names on a piece of paper.
At 6.00 p.m. the General Chapter community gathered in the chapel for prayer and adoration. After the opening hymn, the capitulants were asked to come forward and place in a vessel the names of those Brothers they have nominated. Brothers Emili Turú and Seán Sammon then took the vessel out of the chapel to tally the nominees and determine who received the most number of nominations. Once this was completed, Emili and Sean consulted each of these Brothers to find out whether he wanted his name to go forward for election. A short-list of names in alphabetical order was then compiled as a guide for capitulants during the election process.
The elections will commence Tuesday morning at 9.30 a.m. The 6 Councilors will be elected one at a time.
Criteria for the selection of candidates
The key criteria for the role of General Councilors proposed by the Facilitation Commission are as follows:
- To choose the best collaborators for Brother Superior General
- Representative of cultural diversity
- Disposition to work for a Global Family, rather than being a representative of his own part of the Institute
- Age, experience, expertise and competence
- Leadership ability
- Ability to listen and discern
- Ability to accompany leaders and Administrative Units
- Ability to accompany and empower people, groups, and processes
- Availability / flexibility to work as a team, and availability /flexibility for community life in different contexts and places, if needed.