New appointment by the General Council
Brother Pedro Vilmar Ost, belonging to the Marist Province of Rio Grande do Sul, has been appointed by the General Council as the Director of the Bureau for the Evangelical Use of Goods.
Brother Pedro is from São Paulo das Missões, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He started his studies in the Congregation in 1978 in Getúlio Vargas and pronounced his first vows in February 1984.
His academic preparation started at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul where he studied courses in Religious Sciences; later he studied courses in Pedagogy and Academic Supervision in the University of Valle del JacuĂ, in Cachoeira del Sur, R.S. He obtained a Master of Education from the Salesian University in Rome.
In his professional work, he carried out the functions of Co-ordinator of the Commission of Social Assistance of the Marist Province of Rio Grande do Sul which currently includes thirty-four works; he has been Director of the night shift for young people and adults of the Professora Ivone Vettorello Marist College; he has been a member of the National Council of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Brasilia and Provincial Councillor of the Marist Province of Rio Grande do Sul.
He acquired great experience in the social field during the twelve years he was involved in social works that the Province maintains in some poor districts where he collaborated with leaders and local institutions and developed various projects in favour of the poorest and excluded of the Brazilian society with the aim of rescuing and promoting the citizens so that they could have a worthy, human and just life.
With the appointment of Brother Pedro the General Council has completed the appointments of the Directors of the three Bureaus approved during the January and February plenary sessions: the Director of the Bureau for Vocations is Brother Ernesto Sánchez; the Director of the Bureau for the Laity is Brother Pau Fornells and Brother Pedro Ost is the new Director of the Bureau for the Evangelical Use of Goods.