2009-09-01 ARGENTINA

New Leadership for Cruz del Sur Province

By letter dated August 15, 2009, Brother Sean Sammon, Superior General and his Council appointed Brother Horacio Bustos as Provincial of the Cruz del Sur Province for a three-year term starting November 8, 2009.

Brother Horacio Bustos was born on March 28, l962 in Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina. After his years of formation, he graduated as a certified primary teacher, and then went on to work as teacher and catechist. He also was the leader of the Remar Movement in several schools. His first degree was in Religious Studies from the Instituto Superior Marista in Buenos Aires. He undertook his first teaching assignments at two schools, Pergamino and Manuel Belgrano, in both places as homeroom teacher and religion teacher.

In l991, he went to Neuquen to take charge of a new Marist Brothers school, Escuela Domingo Savio, located in a poor neighborhood.

In l995 Brother Horacio was awarded his Licentiate in Clinical Psychology from the Gregorian University in Rome.

On returning to Argentina, his work was the guidance of those thinking of entering religious communities (the Marist Brothers and others as well). From l996 to the present he has been a teacher in Cordoba, at the Verano School for Religious Formators. From l997 to 2006 he was Director of the Instituto Superior Marista (ISMA) where he was also a professor. (ISMA is an establishment for the formation of teachers: early childhood; primary; religious studies; philosophy.)

He has been involved in the formation and guidance of teachers and missionaries studying at the Teachers College in the North of Argentina (Icaño, Santiago del Estero).

After obtaining a Licentiate in School Administration in 2003, he joined the Provincial Council in 2006. During the same year and in the year 2007, Brother Horacio was in charge of the Scholasticate (first post-novitiate period) as member of the Formation Committee.

He is an associate of the Americas Network of Marist Apostolic Spirituality and coordinates the Province level involvement with the Network.

Presently, he is completing a doctoral thesis in psychology at the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires.

In November 2008, Brother Horacio was elected delegate to the XXI General Chapter. Since February 2009 as legal representative of the school, he works at Colegio San Rafale in the city of the same name, an establishment for pastoral and pedagogical leadership.


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