New Marists in brotherly life in community
The community animators of the Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte » met from 2 to 4 April in Brazlândia/DF to consider the theme « New Marists in Brotherly life in Community ». They discussed the Study of Scenes of Consecrated Life, produced by the Marist Union of Brasil/UMBRASIL and again, on the research of the MPBCN, focused on Community Life. Every year, the Brothers animating the communities meet to share and debate on significant topics in order to animate and guarantee the vitality of community life.
Opening the meeting, the provincial, Br Wellington Medeiros, insisted on the role of the Marist religious responsible for animating the community, which should be one of sensitivity and boldness, in order to guarantee the common experience of prayer, sharing and mission. « We are living in a time of joy and fruitfulness of vocations in the Province, » he declared. « But this joy will not last unless our communities can guarantee charismatic expressions of Marist life ».
During the programme, the animators had the opportunity to work on the subject « Community Identity : mission of the community and of each Brother ». The topic « Community life and Brotherly Relations » had the help of Sister Fátima Rodrigues, of the Order of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, from Belo Horizonte/MG. « In brotherly life, » Sister commented, « it is primordial to recognize the other as subject, as someone who has his own identity, his dreams. The community animator needs to take decisions, resolve problems, take up attitudes : it is to work with faith for others, but without being rough on one self or hurting one self «.
On the last day, the animators took part in a Forum with the Provincial Council and in group activities, to discuss challenges and dreams and the vitality of the animators in the communities. There are 24 communities and 112 Brothers in the Province.