New Marists on mission!
This year we organized the “V CYCLE OF CAFÉ COLLOQUIA OF THE IMS” and in keeping with last year to continue with the different communities of the Province of “Compostela”, we moved to León so that the Colleges of “San José” and “Champagnat” could take part.
Our theme for this year was: “NEW MARISTS ON MISSION!” which is the slogan for this year’s “II International Marist Mission Assembly” being held in Nairobi from 16 to 27 September.
Taking advantage of the fact that various Brothers of our Province are working or have worked in different missions, we developed the following topics:
MISSION IN VIETNAM: Br Antonio Sánchez Lozano. Ex-student of the Magisterio Luis Vives of UPSA. Working in Vietnam
LIFE AND MISSION IN CENTRAL AMERICA: Br José Antonio Baños. Marist missionary in Central America
MARIST MISSION IN THE COUNTRIES OF ASIA: Br Teófilo Minga. Project Ad Gentes (Asia) of the Marist Congregation.
These topics developed by the Brothers were very positive in bringing the reality of the mission fields closer to our daily situation.
For the lay persons attending the different colloquia, it meant a greater discovery of the work of the Marists in these mission zones and knowing in a direct way, through the Brothers presenting their experiences, what is being achieved there.
The brothers of the communities of the Colegios Champagnat and San José took part, as well as that of the Young Brothers, along with ex-students, teachers and members of the Marist Fraternities of the city of León, and supporters of the Marist charism.
We travelled the three days in bus from Salamanca, accompanied by some Brothers of the community, and enjoyed bringing the Café Colloquia programme to this city.
Our special thanks to the Br Director of the Colegio San José of León which facilitated all that was necessary for the Colloquia and to all the Brothers of the three communities: Champagnat, San José and Young Brothers, who by their presence and closeness helped the animation and make for a more fruitful success. We also thank the service staff of the Colegio San José for being available and collaborating to facilitate matters.
The atmosphere created among those attending and the knowing where we are going nowadays as well as the future prospects of our Marist reality make us continue inspired to share these times which are beneficial for us all.
Jacinto Escudero Vidal / Fernando Gonzalez Alonso // iem