New Marists on mission
The Inter-American Mission Commission (CIM), attached to the Inter-American Conference of Provinces (CIAP), held from 5 to 9 May the 1st Inter-American Forum of the Mission Commission and Sub-commissions in Guatemala, on the topic new Marists on mission.
The Forum had as objective to continue drawing up the Strategic Plan of the Commission and Sub-commissions of Mission of America, having as horizon the year 2017, to guarantee greater harmony and integration in the projects and activities, and to contribute to the durability of the Marist mission in the Americas.
It also focused on relations between CIAP, the Secretariats of Mission and International Missionary Co-operation and FMSI, CIM, the Sub-commissions and Marist Provinces of the Americas.
Those taking part in the Forum were : the Inter-American Mission Commission, the members of the Inter-American Sub-commissions of Education, Solidarity, Evangelisation and Administration. Brothers Hipólito Pérez, Provincial of « América Central », and Bernard Beaudin, Provincial of Canada, represented the Permanent Council of the CIAP.
The Forum took place in an atmosphere of discernment and participation, seeking to give impulse to new ways of Marist life and mission in the Americas, in communion with the guidelines of the Church and the Institute, in the light of the challenges of our time.