New models of animation, government and management
The first meeting of the newly composed Mission Committee came to an end on the 25th February, 2017. The meeting brought together the members of the committee, the general council and the members of the FMSI Board.
The discussion centred on the mandate of the committee, the definition of roles based on the proposed new models, the synergy among the different secretariats at the service of our Marist life and mission and proposals on how the committee will attend to its work in the next two years.
The committee has commenced work in the following areas: Shared Services, Tactical Plan, Tailoring of Reports, proposal on Staffing, Change Management and Formation on working in networks.
The Committee of Mission, nominated by the General Council, from January 2017 replaces the International Mission Commission.
In his letter to the Provincial (17th of July, 2016), Br Emili Turú said that “the Committee, among its functions will have the task of advising the General Council in all that concerns Marist mission. In particular, and in conjunction with the General Council, the Committee will study both the delegation of certain functions and authority, which could be taken on by a future Mission Council, as well as the services that mission may require at general level.”
The Members of the Committee are: Frank Malloy (Australia), Br Gregorio Linacero (America Central), Mike Greeff (Southern Africa), Br Marciano Guzman (Mediterranea), Paulo Sirino (Brasil Centro- Sul), Br Ador Santiago (East-Asia), Br Victor Manuel Preciado (General Council) Br Josep Maria Soteras (General Council) and Marzia Ventimiglia (Director FMSI)