New provincial begins his triennial term
Brother Ataíde José de Lima took up office as provincial of Brasil Centro-Norte on Dec. 8, the first day of the province’s fifth chapter, which included the participation of 28 Brothers and five lay people.
Vicar general Brother Joe McKee, general councillor Brother Josep María Soteras participated from the general house in Rome. Also were present Br Alberto Aparicio provincial of Cruz del Sur and Br Benê Oliveira, vice provincial of Brasil Centro-Sul.
“You have the support of the entire general government in service to the Institute,” Br Joe told Br Ataíde.
The new provincial invited the Brothers to reflect on the relationship with the laity.
“What can we do to provide the greatest participation in the mission within the Province, in our works and communities?” he questioned. “What we learn from them?”
The dimension of management, the brother mentioned the desire to undertake efforts to improve corporate governance model, in synergy with the Marist Institute.
“Let us move forward, together, towards a new beginning, where the future has a tent as the heart,” stated Br Ataíde.
From Dec. 4 – 7, around 80 Brothers and laity gathered for an assembly to prepare for the chapter at Vila Champagnat Marist Formation Centre in Brazlândia.
On the last day of the assembly, the former provincial, Brother Wellington Medeiros, and Brother Leonardo Stoch, the youngest in the Institute aged 21, handed Br Ataíde a list of priorities for the province.
“This is a commitment from all of us,” the new provincial remarked.
During the assembly, a letter from superior general was also read to the brothers of the Province.
According to the superior, some relevant issues include “animation and commitment to vocation ministry, a partnership between brothers and lay people, especially in the mission, the transparency of areas and the search for provincial unity.”
Through video testimony, the eldest Brother of the province aged 95, underscored that “our congregation has become universal.” “Who grows in God is not discouraged,” added Brother Antônio Araújo Aguiar.
The chapter was held at the Centre from Dec. 8 – 10, during which Br Ataide took up his position as provincial until 2018.
The new provincial council members are Brothers Rubens José Falquetto, Iranilson Correia de Lima, Adalberto Batista Amaral and José de Assis Elias de Brito.
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