2011-10-01 EL SALVADOR

Noble Friend of El Salvador

Perhaps by the name of “Maximino” he might not be very well known, but nevertheless, more than 50 years ago he left his native land, Echávarri, and came to El Salvador to wholly dedicate himself to the education of children and youth. Brother León has quietly devoted his life in various Marist works in El Salvador, spreading the Gospel as a teacher and as a coach.

This week the national legislature decided to recognize his work in education by bestowing on him the title “Noble Friend of El Salvador”.

Brother León arrived in El Salvador from Cuba in 1958. His first assignment was the Liceo San Luis where he began as a teacher in the Bachillerato and was in charge of the sports program. Afterwards, in 1963, he went to Colegio María Inmaculada – now Colegio Champagnat – in Santa Tecla, where he was teacher, athletic director, community superior and administrator. Since 1972 the Liceo Salvadoreño has been his home and arena of action. In 1998, his enterprising spirit led him to open the Marcellin Champagnat Clinic located next to the installations of Ademar. Though no longer present in the classroom or on the sports field, his missionary soul has brought him to enter without fear into a little-explored field of evangelization: the world of the Internet.  There, he accompanies former students, friends and parents. A group of former students have decided to prolong their ties through a foundation dedicated to supporting educational projects that benefit the neediest children and youth. More information is available at www.fundaleon.com

The community of Brothers and lay Marists of Central America, Cuba and Puerto Rico thanks God for the gift he has given us in the person of Brother León and we join with so many others who are united with him as he receives this distinct honor. May his unconditional giving as a person, a religious and a Marist motivate other young people to follow his example.


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