Nomination of Provincials
Brother Superior General and his Council, in the meeting of 22 July 2010, have appointed Brother Kevin Louis (Joseph) Walton as Provincial of the Province of « Southern Africa » for a first mandate, beginning on 25 October 2010.Brother Kevin Louis Walton is a Marist old boy. He did his postulancy and novitiate in South Africa, then went to Australia for university studies. He has wide experience in the fields of education and formation. He has been teacher and director of primary as well as secondary schools. For several years he was also director of the diocesan school in Johannesburg. Before being elected to the « Southern Africa » provincial council, in December 2004, he was a member of the Formation Team at MIC (Marist International Centre) in Nairobi, Kenya. For the last six years he has been Vice-Provincial of his Province.In the same session, the General Council has appointed Brother Manuel de Leon as Provincial of the Province of « East Asia » for a second term, beginning on 5 December, and Brother Hipólito Pérez as Provincial of the Province of « America Central » for a second term of three years, beginning 17 December 2010.