Novitiate of the Region South America
Eleven new brothers have entered officially, on February 2, to the Champagnat Regional Novitiate, Cochabamba, Bolivia, of the Region of South America.
The Formation team formed by Brothers Isidro Azpeleta Sebastián (Santa María de los Andes), Rubens José Falqueto (North-Central Brazil) and Sebastião Antonio Ferrarini (Amazonia South Brazil), received them with a welcoming ceremony.
The eleven Brothers of first year are: Evanilson Ferreira Lopes, Jefferson Bonomo, Jose Elizaldo Araujo Da Silva (North-Central Brazil), Nathan Da Vosta Cardoso Dos Santos, Bruno Marcondes, Carlos Henrique de Oliveira (South-Central Brazil), Antônio José Lima da Silva Provincia, Danavan Farias Machado (Amazonia South Brazil), Víctor Salvador Colmán Martínez (Paraguay, Cruz del Sur), Ángel Gabriel Ponce Vives (Peru, Santa María de los Andes), Gilber Galarza Pérez (Bolivia, Santa María de los Andes).
Father Fernando Rojas, the Chaplain, celebrated the Eucharist as part of the welcoming ceremony. In this event were present the five Brothers Provincial of the Region South America, the Marist Community of North Ticti, together with two Postulants from Bolivia and some relative of the Novices. In the Eucharist, the Novices received some signs: the Constitutions of the Institute, a multicolored woolen cloth from Bolivia and a small gift from each Brother Provincial. A musical team from the Novitiate animated the ceremony. At the end of the Eucharist, all had lunch together and in the afternoon, they participated in the celebration of the Day of Religious Life,which was held in the Cathedral of Cochabamba.
This year 2019, 18 Brothers, 3 Formators and 15 Novices form the community of the Novitiate.
Four Novices form the second year of the Novitiate: Luis Carlos Lima, Jhony Quadros Joner (North. Central Brazil), Rafael Reinaldo Rodriguez Fernandez (Sul-Central Brazil), Luciano Taminski (Amazonia South Brazil).